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tTanic ® T55

Structural sheet

Lattonedil’s roofing sheets are the ideal solution for logistics-related constructions. This system is particularly suitable for large buildings and consists of a tTanic profiled sheet overlaid on the structural beams, an ISO TT insulation layer by Lattonedil, and a roofing package made of walkable membrane or polyolefins that can also be equipped with photovoltaic modules using the Eurosolar Zero system by Lattonedil. This system offers numerous advantages, including minimized structural encumbrance, maximum usability in the layout, and reduced weight of the structure. This leads to significant benefits even in terms of foundations.

Acciaio Zincato e/o preverniciato /
Galvanised and/or pre-painted steel Aluzinc
Inox / stainless steel: Aisi 304 e 430

.S250 GO UNI EN 10346
Tensione di snervamento / Allowable stress
fy = 250 N/mm2
Carico uniformemente distribuito

Altezza del profilo / Profile height: 55 mm
Larghezza utile / Effective width: 600 mm
Larghezza totale / width: 750 mm
Spessore della lamiera / Sheet thickness:
0,60 mm, 0,70 mm, 0,80 mm, 1,00 mm, 1,25 mm

simboli tTaNIC